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Iman Sumarno


The Magnitude of Malnutrition Among Under-Five In The District Of Bogor Using Anthropometric Standard Of NCHS And WHO 2005.

Background: In the early June 2006 WHO introduced new Anthropometric standard. The WHO recommended the Southeast Asian countries to adopt the new standard. The standard is supported by software for data analysis. There seem no objections in adopting the standard. However, the experts group of Indonesian Nutrition Association demands to evaluate the standard, before Indonesia use it in the nutrition program. This paper is one of the activities in evaluating the impact of adopting new standard to the magnitude of malnutrition.

Methods: This exercise use the data of Growth Monitoring Survey in the District of Bogor. The data were proccessed using the WHO anthropometric software. The data were analysed descriptively.

Result: It was found that there is no significant difference in the prevalence of wasting, between using the NCHS and WHO standard (10.7% vs 11.1%). But the prevalence of wasting is doubling in the age group 0-5 months (7.8% vs 15.7%). The prevalence of stunted slightly increase, (14.7% by NCHS versus 18% by WHO). The prevalence of stunting is 34.1% by NCHS and 39.2% by WHO. The prevalence of severe underweight is the same; however, the prevalence of underweight is on the other way around. The prevalence is 20.2% by NCHS and become 15.9% by the WHO it is interesting to note when involving weight the prevalence always higher by WHO in the age group of 0-5 months.

Conclusion: The lower prevalence of underweight may cause a problem in the program because this is the parameter that is used in the program. The target of nutrition program is set 20% underweight if we use WHO the prevalence now from 20.2% became 15%.

Keywords: nutritional status index, anthropometric standard

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How to Cite
Sumarno, I. (2012). BESARAN MASALAH GIZI BALITA KABUPATEN BOGOR BERDASARKAN BAKU ANTROPOMETRI NCHS DAN WHO 2005. Penelitian Gizi Dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research), 29(1).